
Consider Jobs that Focus on People

Jobs that Focus on People If you told someone you were the head of culture of your company, you would get a confused look. The same can be said of job titles like Manager of Well-Being (Delta Airlines) and Director of Flexible Work (Microsoft). The modern workplace has evolved into something that would be unrecognizable decades ago. New priorities required dedicated persons to perform specific tasks. This has led to the creation of jobs and titles unheard of before. Companies didn’t create new job titles only because of current needs. Often, these developments resulted from the recognition that well-being, culture, flexible work, happiness and many others have become more significant in organizations. There will be more hiring for positions that focus on the above. Titles will vary, but the functions will be similar. Here are a few that might interest you. Director of Culture This person is in charge of an organization’s culture. Companies created this position to ensure employees are on the same page with a company’s culture. Employees and not just brands should reflect a company’s vision, mission and goals. Often though, the culture and brands are the same. Well-Being Officer There was a time when organizations were only concerned with their employee’s physical health and safety. But, buying health insurance or the occasional “drinks on the house” no longer suffices if a company wants to show it cares for its employees. Now, companies focus on everyone’s overall well-being at the workplace. So, aside from Delta Airlines, Rakuten and Unilever have added well-being officers to their ranks. Chief Happiness Officer It’s not made up or imaginary. A 2015 University of Warwick found that happier employees are 12% more productive. Usually, the HR Manager is responsible for employee happiness. But in the case of Google, the HR Director and CHO are two different persons. Currently, you’ll find CHOs in large companies. For SMEs, a separate position may not be needed, but looking after the overall happiness of employees is still necessary. Flexible Work Manager Hybrid working arrangements are still trending today. The benefits are undeniable, like paying less rent for smaller office spaces. With an increased number of remote employees, there’s a need for a dedicated person in charge of hybrid work. Setting up procedures, providing guidelines and ensuring open lines of communication are some of the flexible work manager’s responsibilities. So, if you’re applying for a job, try incorporating any of the above functions. It will set you apart from other candidates.

Beat Anxiety with Emotional Intelligence

Anxiety is a feeling of fear of what is about to happen. An upcoming job evaluation, a first date, a presentation or an examination can cause apprehension. The good news – it’s a secondary emotion easily mastered. It’s normal to feel anxiety. Successful people aren’t immune to it. Some would even say it is essential to our personal growth. Feelings of fear only become a concern when these persist and interfere with our regular routine. So how do people with high emotional intelligence deal with anxiety? We’ll let you in on a few tips which you can apply in any stressful situation. Watch Out for Signs When we are anxious, we don’t exhibit the same signs. It’s different for each person. Here are some: Rapid Heart Rate Shallow Breathing Feelings of Dread Nervousness You feel a knot in your stomach Sweating Restlessness Nail-biting So, which of the above applies to you? We sometimes aren’t aware these are happening when we’re anxious. The next time you are apprehensive, take note if you’re experiencing any of these signs. Take Deep Breaths Yes, it works! Calm yourself down. Taking deep breaths for a few seconds works for some. For others, a full minute or more is better. What this does is slow your heart rate and relax your muscles. It also helps you think more clearly. Find Out Why You’re Anxious We’re so involved with many things each day we can lose sight of what we are apprehensive about. The cause could be buried beneath minor stressors that pile up. For instance, people go to work with high-stress levels because of the many things they have to accomplish. It’s not that they are unhappy with their job. It’s just they dislike specific tasks like making a presentation.

How To Be Your Best With A Growth Mindset

A growth mindset has been widely defined by business leaders as a belief that any one can grow and develop his/her ability for learning, improving and becoming a better person in the workplace or in any other circumstance. It’s not a fixed mindset, something that asserts one has a natural-born, genetic talent and skills and that one either has them or not. A growth mindset is the “I-can-learn-and-do-the-job-well” kind of thinking and it’s what can make the difference in your career. And so, on Monday, when you report back for work from a blissful, quiet and relaxing, no-mother-in-law issues week-end, come in ready to adjust and make changes in the way you think about yourself at work. Make use of these new insights to get in real top shape. Here’s what you can do to build and maintain a growth mindset to help you achieve and exceed your usual output: Recognize, know and accept you’ve got great potential for growth. Find yourself some quiet time to do some pencil pushing. Write down your plans, outlining where you are at present and where you’d want to be by yearend. Then write down clearly the measures you need to take to get there. Share these plans with a trusted colleague or friend. It’ll sort of “push you” into sticking to these plans and help you hit your goals. Look for favors or things that you can do to help others. Professor Adam Grant of Wharton, in his book “Give and Take” says helping others drives our success. He contends that people who think of others in their motivation, who works on both individual and community goals are the most successful achievers. When you commit to help others and put this above your own well-being, you are already practicing great leadership qualities. Even small things, like coaching or mentoring a co-worker who’d benefit from your background, education or talent, goes along way towards helping you reach your personal goals. Be curious and open your mind to new ideas. Part of having a growth mindset is recognizing that our total work experience is a continuing learning process. When you’ve got this embedded in your mind, the challenges that’ll face you will become less scary. This is where your love for learning will do wonders big time! Open your eyes, heart and mind to new ideas. Don’t knock them down no matter how unorthodox or strange they may be. These, in the end will help you to make connections between ideas and concepts and help you to learn new skills, gain new insights or new ways of improving. When you start working these approaches into your routine, you’ll be on your way to developing a growth mindset that’ll help you get to where you’d want to be by yearend. Good luck!

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