TEDx Talk

The Unspoken Identity Struggle | My Holland | TEDxFTU

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FQ: The New EQ | My Holland | TEDxMonashUniversityMalaysia


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Opportunities & Challenges for Overseas Vietnamese Returning Home

‘Viet Kieu Nu’, network for overseas Vietnamese female professionals

Viet Nam-related initiatives launched by overseas Vietnamese or participated by the Vietnamese


Empowering women in business and supporting startups

Voice equality: Giving everyone a voice in the workplace

Women’s Day Panel Discussion Preparing Girls Today to be Leaders Tomorrow

Ask An Expert | My Holland – Emotional Intelligence & Women Leadership

My Holland, Nhà sáng lập và CEO tại Equest Asia | HOMECOMING EP02

Boosting organisational performance by advancing equal opportunities

ILO Master trainer “Leadership” Voice Equality”

UNDP Responsible Business Study Panelist

Philippine HR Congress 2019

CEO Conference June 2019

EQuest Asia RESILIENCE in time of VUCA

EQuestAsia 2nd #LinkedinLocal Ho Chi MInh last July11 2019

Team Coaching Leading with EQ

Creative Thinking & Cross-Cultural Training

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Anxiety

EQuestAsia’s Retreat and Team Bonding Programs

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Motivation

HR Academy Seminar: Why people with high emotional intelligence are more successful and happy?

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Happiness. What s the link?

1st #LinkedInLocal Community in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Women Leadership and Empowerment

My Holland explained Emotional Intelligence in 2 minutes


Book Happiness is the Way: Q & A with author My Holland

Interview about new book Happiness is the Way

How to find happiness amidst Covid-19?

A new beginning is coming in Asia…

EQuest Asia Team Bonding Strengths Focus 2019

2019 Self Leadership Event Calendar

viTiếng Việt
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