
The Art of Leadership During Difficult Times

The world is facing a crisis that has practically stopped everything. Well – almost everything has been put on hold.  Except for essential workers, people are told to stay at home. Organizations that are deemed unnecessary are closed indefinitely. Most people will not earn a penny but will still have to spend on basic needs. Those that can continue to make a living from home are lucky indeed. What leaders will do during this pandemic will be closely watched by employees and clients of every organization. For leaders, this is a time to shine – amid all the uncertainty the world faces today. Compassion True leaders will care more about the people that work for them than for any financial loss their organization will suffer. Showing empathy is the key these days. With closures all across the world, employees will have to turn elsewhere for their financial needs. Not all organizations can advance salaries. Not everyone will receive unemployment benefits or government checks to tide them over. Leaders must make an effort to explain to their employees why tough decisions have to be made, including having to let go of many, if not all. You might have already heard of some CEOs taking pay cuts or altogether forgoing their pay just to support daily wage earners. Although not all can afford to do the same, leaders should find ways to help their employees cope during these difficult times. The current situation calls for compassion and this should be the guiding principle for all leaders. Community Involvement Now is the time to give back and leaders, despite any business loss, must prove that their organization is one with the community in fighting the effects of COVID 19. Offering delivery services, extending payment deadlines and assisting the elderly by buying for them their needs are some ways organizations can show they care for the community. Leaders must explore ways they can be of service to others. Aside from continuing to communicate with employees, they can also send messages of encouragement or comfort to clients. Why not a simple list of “dos” and “don’ts” to prevent the spread of the virus? Preparing for the Future One thing’s for sure; there will be a new normal once COVID 19 is defeated. Until that time comes, leaders can plan and take steps to be prepared once the situation returns to “normal.” For one, they can continue to invest in their employees by providing online counseling and training. If possible, leaders can conduct virtual meetings on what operational adjustments need to be made to observe social distancing and personal hygiene in the workplace. Also, if less human contact would be the preferred norm, leaders can discuss with their employees how they can better serve clients in the future. Great leaders will not only think of the here and now but also look forward to how their organization can thrive after COVID 19.  The old adage “behind every dark cloud is a silver lining” should be everyone’s mantra these days. Leaders should explore what the silver lining is for their organization. Wrapping Up Crises test the mettle of leaders and it is obvious now who the great ones are.  It’s not the ones who are first concerned with the bottom line. Great leaders are those who care about getting communities back on their feet when these crises are over.

Women Leaders

Women Leaders

Breaking down Barriers Women hold only about 28% of senior-level, executive and managerial positions in the United States. The intention to remedy this situation exists but not enough effort has been made so far. Many organizations would like to give more women opportunities but have been unsuccessful. More steps should be taken to fully break down the barriers that prevent more women from taking leadership roles in organizations. These steps should include the following. Close the Gender Pay Gap Pay inequality is one of the biggest obstacles for women in the workplace. More women have college or master’s degrees but receive less than men with the same educational background. Many factors such as work experience, are used to explain this gender pay gap. But when the qualifications of male and female job aspirants are equal, there should be no excuse for differences in pay. The laws are vague where gender pay gaps are concerned. Individuals, men included, should lobby their representatives to create laws that: Impose more substantial penalties on companies that are guilty of pay inequality. Prevent employers from penalizing their employees who discuss their wages with others. Require companies to disclose wage data. What can be done in the meantime while we wait for laws that will close the gender pay gap? Employers should take the initiative and offer salaries that correspond to a person’s qualifications. Companies want to hire the most qualified person for a leadership role. They shouldn’t hold back on wages when the best person for the job is a woman. Women should ask for more pay when offered a job. A little research will help estimate what a fair wage should be for a job in a specific geographical area. Women should not settle for salaries offered to them initially and subsequently. An employer’s best offer is usually not their last. Provide Better Access to Childcare Services Talented women will resign from their jobs to care for their newborn children. Employers who lose talent will suffer in the long run. Think of the costs alone of training replacements. Companies can team up with childcare services to assist their female employees. Big organizations, on the other hand, can consider building their childcare centers. Address Discrimination Many people have a bias, sometimes indirect, against female leaders. This creates an unhealthy environment for talented women who may eventually seek opportunities elsewhere. Employers should conduct training that will change their employees’ negative perceptions of women leaders. They need to be reminded that women can be good bosses too. With these steps, women will find it more beneficial to take on leadership roles. In time, the barriers they face now will be things of the past!

Make Adjustments to your Team

Make Adjustments to your Team

Hiring new people is not always the answer. Sometimes, small tweaks can transform your group into a highly-engaged team. First, find out what each employee enjoys doing the most. Assign tasks that are based not only on skill but also on personal preference. Studies show that employees are more productive and become highly engaged if they perform the work they love. Second, include employees in goal setting and allow them to have their say. Don’t expect even the best employees to feel passionate about goals they don’t agree with. Expect indifference instead! On the other hand, having everyone on board has tremendous effects on your team. Each employee becomes more committed to goals they can call their own. Third, communicate with your employees more often. Find out how you can assist them in their jobs. Praise employees when they think outside the box and perform beyond expectations. A simple acknowledgment of an employee’s extra effort might be enough to push him/her to become highly engaged. Make it a habit to show appreciation to your employees. Consider following any of the tips above. Soon, you’ll have a highly engaged top-notch team in your organization!

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